Reverse searing means cooking meat in the oven and then transferring it to a pan or grill until perfectly browned instead of grilling raw beef on a grill.

Reverse searing is one of the best ways to cook thick meat as you start slow cooking in the oven before searing the meat on a grill. Reverse searing allows the steak to be perfectly cooked inside and have a brown crust on the outer part.

Reverse searing helps you achieve steak with a perfectly browned crust and juicy insides.

Reverse searing is best for meat like tri-tip, porterhouse steaks, filet mignon, ribeye’s, T-bone, top sirloin, and the New York strip.

Reasons To Reverse Sear Your Meat

Searing helps add flavor to your meat, and doing it at the end always produces better results. Here are some reasons to reverse sear your meat:

  • Even Cooking

When searing meat, you usually start with low heat that allows energy to be slowly transferred to your beef, allowing it to cook evenly.

  • Tender Meat

Cooking your meat on low heat quickly ages it, making your meat very tender.

  • Better Browning

Searing is perfect for making medium-rare meat, and the goal is always to have perfectly brown outside with the right amount of pink on the inside. When searing, reduce any moisture as much as possible because that will heavily impact how your meat will brown. Start with the driest steak to get the moistest steak when reverse searing.

For the best-browned results, put your beef on a rack lined with a baking sheet, then leave it in the refrigerator overnight, ensuring it remains uncovered throughout. Take the steak out of the fridge for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour before putting it in the oven.

  • Flexibility

Cooking meat on low heat increases the cooking window making it easier to get the perfect temperature for medium-rare beef.

Benefits Of Reverse Searing Your Meat

Some benefits to reverse searing your meat include;

  1. Slow heat in the oven prevents overcooking and gives more control.
  2. Even the thickest steak can be cooked to the right amount of doneness.
  3. Searing the meat on a pan permits a tasty sauce to be made using the pan drippings. The pan drippings can be sprinkled on the vegetables to be served with the steak.
  4. The warm oven removes any moisture, which allows for effective and efficient pan searing.
  5. Reverse searing allows for limited cooked grey edges and a consistent pink inside.
  6. Searing the meat on a pan at the end created the perfect brown crust.

Tips For Reverse Searing Meat

  • The ideal temperature for cooking the meat in the oven is 275°F.
  • Always cut your meat against the grain for the most tender bites.
  • Don’t slice your meat too early after cooking. Allow it to rest for a while to let all the flavors seal.
  • The ideal thickness of the meat to be reverse-seared is around two inches thick. It is important to note that reverse searing only works on thick steak.