Sometimes called pink salt or curing salt No. 2, curing salt is a coarse-grained mixture of table salt and sodium nitrite. It’s usually utilized to cure ham, hot dogs, and bacon. The sodium nitrite prevents the growth of bacteria and also gives cured meats their characteristic pink color.

Curing salt is not the same as regular table salt, and it should not be used as a replacement for table salt in recipes. Curing salt is used in very small quantities and for a specific purpose.

When to use Curing Salt

Curing salt is used when you want to preserve meat. It can be used on its own or in combination with other curing agents like sugar, saltpeter, or sodium ascorbate. The most common use for curing salt is in the production of ham, hot dogs and bacon. Curing salt can also be used to make corned beef, pastrami, and other cured meats.

How to use Curing Salt

There are various ways to use curing salt, depending on the type of meat you’re curing and the recipe you’re using. In general, curing salt is mixed with other ingredients, and then the meat is rubbed with the mixture or soaked in it. The meat is then refrigerated or hung to dry. You can find specific instructions in curing salt recipes or in your butcher’s guide.

Dry cure Pork
Dry cure Pork

What is the Advantage of Using Curing Salt?

The main advantage of using curing salt is that it helps to preserve meat. Cured meats will last longer than fresh meats, and they often have a better flavor. Curing salt is also said to help tenderize meat. Other advantages of curing salt include;

    • It prevents the growth of bacteria
    • It gives cured meats their characteristic pink color.
    • It tenderizes meat.

What Are the Risks Of Using Curing Salt

Curing salt has different risks depending on how it is used. For example, if you use too much curing salt or if you don’t cure meat properly, you could end up with meat that is high in sodium nitrite. This could be harmful to your health. It’s also important to note that curing salt is not the same as table salt, and it should not be used as a replacement for table salt in recipes. Other risks include;

    • If you cure meat without refrigeration, you could end up with dangerous bacteria
    • If you don’t cook cured meat properly, you could end up with dangerous bacteria
    • Curing salt can be toxic if ingested in large quantities
    • If you have a nitrite allergy, you should avoid curing salt altogether

Using curing salt is a great way to preserve meat and give it a unique flavor. However, it’s important to use it safely and correctly to avoid any risks.

Why is it safe to Use Curing Salt in Small Quantity

Curing salt is safe to use in small quantities because it contains a very low amount of sodium nitrite. It is the compound that is responsible for the preservation of meat. It’s also what gives cured meat its distinctive pink color. When used in small quantities, sodium nitrite is not harmful to your health. It’s actually used in some medicines to treat heart conditions. However, when sodium nitrite is consumed in large quantities, it can be toxic. This is why it’s important to use curing salt correctly and in small quantities.

What are the alternatives?

If you’re concerned about the risks of using curing salt, there are some alternatives that you can use. For example, you could try curing meat without salt altogether. This is called “dry curing” and it’s a popular method for preserving meat. You could also try using other spices and herbs to flavor meat instead of curing salt. However, keep in mind that these methods may not be as effective at preserving meat and they may not give meat the same distinctive flavor.

Pros of Using Curing Salt

    • Curing salt is a great way to preserve meat
    • Curing salt gives meat a unique flavor
    • Curing salt is safe to use in small quantities

Cons of Using Curing Salt

    • If you use too much curing salt or don’t cure meat properly, you could end up with meat that is high in sodium nitrite.
    • Curing salt can be toxic if ingested in large quantities.
    • If you have a nitrite allergy, you should avoid curing salt altogether.


Curing salt is a great way to preserve meat and give it a unique flavor. However, it’s important to use it safely and correctly to avoid any risks. If you’re concerned about the risks of using curing salt, there are some alternatives that you can use. So, curing salt is a great way to preserve meat and give it a unique flavor.