An oven works as well as a grill when cooking meat. The easiest and fastest way to cook a steak is by using an oven.

You can either bake or broil the meat in the oven. Baking uses conventional heat that heats the food by encircling the beef with hot hair, while broiling uses infrared heat that cooks the food from above using the oven’s top elements. Depending on how you like your meat, bake the steak for the perfect browned crust, or broil the meat for a charred crust.

Go for prime cuts meat like ribeye steak, top sirloin, filet mignon, rib steak, tenderloin, T-bone, flat-iron, hanger, and New York strip when cooking meat in the oven.

Different people enjoy different levels of doneness on their steak. The doneness levels include:

Rare – 125°F. Cook for about 6 minutes in the oven after searing.

Medium -rare – 135°F. Cook for about 8 minutes after searing.

Medium – 145°F. Cook for about 10 minutes after searing.

Medium-well – 150°F. Cook for about 12 minutes after searing.

Well done – 160°F. Cook for about 14 minutes after searing.

To cook meat in the oven, you need to start with room temperature meat, then sear it on a hot skillet before finishing up the cooking process in the oven.

Dos For Cooking Meat in The Oven

Some dos for cooking meat in the oven include;

  • Use oven gloves at all times when touching the oven and try.
  • Place your iron skillet at the lowest point in the oven to help the meat evenly cook with a juicy inside and crusty outside.
  • Be patient and pay close attention to your meat at all times. Controlling your cooking will leave you with the best cooked meat.

Don’ts For Cooking Meat in The Oven

Some don’ts for cooking meat in the oven include:

  • Don’t place the iron skillet at the highest part of the oven. This will cause the meat to get burned outside without cooking on the inside.
  • Don’t touch the tray or oven without gloves, or you risk getting burned.

Tips For Cooking Meat in The Oven

  • Consider using meat that is at room temperature. Remove the meat from the fridge and let it stay for around 1 hour.
  • Allow the meat to rest for around 10 minutes after removing it from the oven for the juices to seep in.
  • Use a cooking thermometer to measure the meat temperature to your desired level of doneness.
  • Buy thick meat at least an inch thick. If you get thinner steak, ensure that you shorten the cooking time to avoid burning it.
  • When buying meat, get a steak that has a good amount of fat on it.
  • Use a cast-iron skillet in the oven as it distributes heat evenly.
  • Avoid pressing the meat when it is cooking, as that removes the juices.
  • Pat dry your meat before seasoning to remove any moisture.
  • Cook one side of the meat in the oven to your desired level of doneness before flipping it to the other side.